I love you as big as the world

Who would have thought that reading my son a book would stop him from crying. He was screaming and I wondered what would help him settle down, so I thought I would try reading him a book. I honestly didn’t think it would help. I thought I would only get through about 2 pages before he started kicking and screaming again. Man, I love that book.

A bit of our history on how we stumbled onto this amazing book. A few months ago when I was at the library I found a beautiful book called “I love you as big as the world”. When I got it home I sat down with my little one on the couch and read it to him and for the first time EVER he sat quietly without being distracted and let me read him the whole book twice. We continued reading this book everyday before I had to take it back to the library.

Because of Logan’s love for this book, I decided to go searching for it to buy. I looked and looked and I could not find it anywhere in town so off to the net I went. Bingo, I found it on the QBD website so into the cart it went (along with a few other discounted cooking books). It seemed to take forever to arrive but once it did, we sat down again to read it. Same reaction from Logan. So now it sits on our couch in easy reach.


So back to today, there we were in the lounge room with him screaming his little head off and sitting with what appears to be his favourite book. In total we read this book 9 times, yes you read correctly, 9 times!!! I even changed books after reading it 4 times and he was not pleased. Halfway though he started screaming again. Got back out “I love you as big as the world” and instant silence so on we continued to read until we finally got distracted at the ninth time.

As a mum, I love this book. It really does express to my son in a structured way how much I love him. Here is a short excerpt that I always tell my son.

I love you as big as the world,

I love you as deep as the sea,

I love you as bright as the sun,

I love you and I know you love me

I strongly suggest this book. It has beautiful pictures as well as words.

Have you found any books that your kids just love?

7 thoughts on “I love you as big as the world

  1. Kim,
    I just bought the book! Kieran loves reading and I loved the words in the excerpt you wrote, so I had to have it!
    Thanks for the advice ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Ooh I love a good book recommendation! I will track this down. Sounds beautiful. My 2y/o is obsessed with The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle & my daughter loves The Best Nest by PD Eastman. We seem to have favourites we always go back to ๐Ÿ™‚

    • It is a fabulous book. Can be very hard to get hold of but fabulous. Thank you so much for writing it. You have created something very special that I am sure my son and I will remember for a very long time.

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