Bring on 2012

“Welcome 2012, why don’t you stay a while and have a cupcake.” That’s the way I feel about 2012 at the moment. 2011 was a year full of highs and lows. Through the high I have laughed, smiled, and felt grateful and through the lows I have felt anger, disappointment and resentment but here I am still standing strong. Actually I think I may be standing stronger than every before.

2011 saw me become a mum to a amazing little boy who makes me laugh everyday, even through the haze of sleep deprivation. I made the decision with the support of my husband to become a stay at home mum and we started up a business for my husband. After working a bazillion hours a day/week at my old job and feeling super stressed out, I feel like a new person. I love spending everyday with my little boy. He amazes me with his sense of discovery and determination to learn whatever task he is learning right at that moment. Even on those days where he has woken every 3 hours the night before and my eyes feel like they are about to fall out of my head, I still feel a sense of calm for most of the day. I feel like I am where I am meant to be right now.

2012 will bring with it new challenges I am sure. I have many goal, not resolutions. I believe resolution seem to be a bit of fairy wish whereas a goal is an achievable endpoint with a roadmap leading the way. I feel this year I am up to the challenges. I am determined to get my life balanced and feel like I am on the right path.

I have been thinking about blogging for about 5 months now however, I just seem to keep putting it off. I didn’t really have any clear direction for my blogging until now. Thanks to Deb at I am committing myself to the “52 week to simplify your life challenge”. I will also be blogging about other stuff that interests me in between. Cooking, Baking, Scrapbooking, Being a mum, etc may all be featured at some time or another. As a SAHM, I sometimes feel rather isolated. Not that I don’t have friends or that I don’t get out. I do but it is different from that daily banter that you have at a workplace. So I think that blogging might help me feel connected to the outside word where I can express some thoughts, be them random or quite on topic for the moment.

So now off to work on my Week 1 Challenge: Create a list of everything that went right in 2011.

Kim xxx

2 thoughts on “Bring on 2012

  1. Ah Kim being a new SAHM myself I have those exact feelings, sometimes I think the poor people who knock at the door selling something think they’ve stumbled across some insane woman who keeps them talking just for adult conversation lol.. Great start to your blog, looking forward to doing the challenge along with you x Beth

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